Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Heat Energy Video

Click below for the Bill Nye video we watched this afternoon on Heat Energy:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Elephants Brush Their Teeth???

Elephant Toothpaste????   Students are to categorize ways to produce heat: burning, friction, and
"mixing one thing with another." 

We had FuN today with a Demonstration lesson on this one!  
The exothermic reaction was EPIC and Super EXCITING for our classes and a few fourth graders who wandered over to watch and feel the outside of the bottle.

Mrs. Dyer was kind enough to capture pics and share them to our Class Story on DOJO and to post a video to her blog!  The link is below:

As an aside... no elephants were harmed in this experiment. ;)

This is the link to the actual experiment:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Solar Ovens.....and S'MORES!

Transfer of heat energy to various objects, namely our marshmallows and chocolate, was a HUGE hit!   A great big THANK YOU for all of our supplies and to our wonderful volunteers, Ms. Kari and Ms. Kitty.    The engineering that happened from our students was inventive, creative and simply wonderful.

A BIG SHOUT out to Chick-fil-A for donating boxes and foil lined bags for our project, such a supportive establishment.  (Plus, they rate right up there with: let's eat there 3-5 times a week if the Cook kids get to vote!  Certainly high on the list!)

Here are a few pics of our epic adventure....(which so happens are from Wednesday.  As I was EXHAUSTED after church and did not get to complete this post. )

 The above "ovens" were "test ovens" without black paper added.

It WORKED!!!!!  The ovens were a success!  


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Island Hopping Today!

We went Island Hopping Today!  I wish it was in the Caribbean, but it was on the blacktop.
The use of our imaginations allowed us to avoid sharks and swim from one island to another in hopes of making it to "Century Island."    Super fun way to introduce/practice/enjoy using Rounding to the nearest 10 or "Decade Number"!   I posted pictures in Class Story on Dojo!   Hope you enjoy them!

Math Homework- 10 Minutes of Reflex Math.  If you do not have a device at home, please use flash cards to practice (I sent them home with a few students.  Please let me know if you need some.)

Science-  Work on your design for your Solar Oven.  If you would like to bring in a small box, please do so!  (Think, Pop Tart Box or something small like that...)

Have a lovely evening and I will see you in the morning!
Mrs. Cook

Monday, August 15, 2016

Reflex Math and Tumblebooks

Today was a Marvelous Monday!   The homework for tonight is 10 minutes of Reflex Math.

Click the Link Here:

Login is: jesscook
Click either: JC3 or HD3
Then each student will click on his/her name and type in their password!   Ask your child where they stored their password.

Hope you have a blessed night!
Mrs. Cook

Also, we now have a subscription to Tumblebooks.  You can click the link below and listen to books or read along!  They have a great selection of fiction and non-fiction books!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

1st Week is in the Books

WONDERFUL 1st week of School!   

This has been one of the best beginnings of school in my career.  The little people in both JC3 and HD3 are amazing!   They are funny, creative, thoughtful, caring, and insightful.  I got that from knowing them for about 5 minutes!

DOJO- Both classes ranked in the record books by earning a cumulative class reward of 1,000 points mid-week and earned a Picnic Reward!  Way to go guys!   Pics of said event were posted on DOJO Class Stories for your enjoyment!   You can login daily and see how your child's day went, what specifically they may have earned points for and you can send messages via DOJO to me!  (As a side note: All changes to transportation must come via a paper note or call to the office by 1:00 PM...not a message or email.)

We also use REMIND as a communication tool, as well.  This site is amazing.  You will receive a short text straight to your phone with reminders: test tomorrow, don't forget your Boxtops, reward day- bring a towel, tomorrow is ______, bring _______.  You get the idea.  I receive Reminds from all 3 of my children's teachers and LOVE it.  I am a well informed mama.   You can also message me via Remind.   I am more "plugged in" with DOJO since I am using it all day rewarding points for good choices, but I will see the Remind messages and get back to you within 24 hours!

Math: Place Value-Rounding 
We have been learning lots of procedures and routines, using an awesome site for estimating and learning to use our Math/Science Journals!  Plus playing war.  Place value war.  =)

We will begin Math Homework via Reflex Math each night for Multiplication Fact Practice starting Monday!

Science: Heat Energy  
We are exploring heat energy.    This next week we will be constructing/adapting/engineering some Solar Ovens in which to make/melt/cook S'mores.    We will "harness" the power of the sun for this venture!  The plan is to create Wednesday morning around 8:00.  If you signed up to help, thank you.  If you sent or are sending supplies, thank you!  Hands-on Science is the kind that will be remembered~

I hear and I forget.  I see and I remember.  I do and I understand.          -Confucius

Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 2 Homework and Routines

Today was great, and for a Monday it was spectacular.

On a daily basis, you will want to check the agenda and sign it.  Please link to Mrs. Dyer's blog from the link at the top of mine.  She is a "master" blogger.....much more detailed and experienced than me.   There are great things on her blog.  Seriously.  Go there daily, as well.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Off to a Great Start in Room 154

We had a fabulous first day!  I loved meeting your little people and getting to know a tiny bit about each of them.  This next week we will fall into routines and practice procedures, over and over again, as we learn the expectations of UCES, 3rd Grade, and Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Dyer.   During this time, we will both implement Class Dojo, a really fun behavior monitoring and communication tool.  If you happen to need another copy of your login page, please write a note in the agenda or send an email and I will send one to you!  Your child will earn points for making good choices and then be able to use the points to purchase coupons and items from a class store.  Nothing like reward for your hard work!  

One important thing we did on Friday was organize our binders.  Click HERE for a super cool post that Mrs. Dyer created about organizing the binder with the agenda and pencil pouch!

Normally posts won't be this long, but I (and Mrs Dyer) wanted to give you some important information for the beginning of the year!

Starting in 3rd grade, students have an agenda/planner/calendar in which they will write down important information such as events, homework, and notes!  This will serve as a great way for you to communicate with me and for me in turn to communicate with you.  It is very important for you to read and sign the agenda each night.  They will be checked daily during morning routine.  (Changes in transportation need to be made on a separate piece of paper and not written in the agenda.  We have a red basket that all notes go in.   Parent notes, absent notes, doctor excuses, bus notes, parent notes, etc.)  

The kids were pretty excited about their weekend homework.  Hopefully they explained it to you correctly, but here is clarification.

Agenda p. 1 means to look at p. 1 of the agenda for the blog info and my email address.  

Heat Energy is our first science unit!  Look around your home for anything that may produce heat! You can simply record it in the agenda/planner.

Olympics means that Mrs. Dyer encouraged them to watch some of the Olympics.  They will begin studying ancient Greece and the Olympics this month, so what a wonderful opportunity!  (Of course she will not penalize them if they do not watch any of it.)

Read means just that!  Please read over the weekend!

P.S. If you've managed to read this far, please write a note in the agenda (on the August 5th Spot someplace) saying "I read the blog!"  Students will earn an extra Dojo point for teamwork, because it takes us all working together.  You are a vital part of this team!  I am looking forward to what this year brings!      

-Your 3rd Grade Tour Guide
Mrs. Cook =)

JC3 Daily Schedule

Here's our daily schedule. 

8:00 Morning message;  Math and Science
9:00 Portuguese or RTI/Enrichment

9:45 Snack time- bring something healthy from home

9:55 Specials*

10:40 Math and Science continuted

11:20-11:50  Lunch- you are welcome to join your child for lunch any time!  Check in at the office 1st.

12:00 Recess

12:40 Switch classes and go to Mrs. Dyer for Language Arts (reading, grammar, writing)

2:35 Switch back for end-of-day routine (check agendas, pack up, review, etc.)

*Specials:       Wear Tennis Shoes EVERY Friday!
Purple Week: Mon. STEM; Tu. Art; Wed. Music; Th. Writing; Fri. PE
Gold Week: Mon. Writing; Tu. Art; Wed. Music; Th. STEM; Fri. PE

Monday, August 1, 2016

Third Grade Supply List

Supply List for Mrs. Cook’s Third Graders

  • 2” Binder with Pack of 5 Tab Dividers
  • 2- Packs of Wide Ruled Paper
  • 2- Packs of No. 2 Pencils
  • Erasable Colored Pencils
  • Markers &/or Crayons (24 count or less, please)
  • 2- Pocket Folders with Prongs
  • 2-Marble Composition Books
  • 3” x 3” Post It Notes (Your Favorite Color)
  • 2- Glue Sticks
  • Highlighters
  • Black Expo Markers
  • 2-Blue Pens
  • Pencil Pouch
  • Fiskars type Scissors (your old ones are fine)