Have you ever moved? I know moving the contents of house is BIG, like a huge big deal..... I've done that too. Twice. I've moved classrooms ten or eleven times in the course of my career, so I'm not a stranger this occurrence. My happy, I'm moving to my happy place vibes......... are countered with:
The rain on my joyous parade. The fly in my 3rd grade ointment. The trouble in my paradise of grade three....moving in, settling, unpacking, becoming one with my new room! I had forgotten how much WORK lugging boxes, bins, supplies, books, crates, chairs, stools, bookcases, tables, and last but not least the couch. Said boxes must be unpacked and sorted in an orderly fashion. This took approximately a zillion years (wee bit of hyperbole there.) I am officially ranking in the not young anymore category. Who knew?
Every time that I move a room, I hope that it will be the last time..... of rearranging, hot gluing, stapling, rearranging again and generally "getting to know" the space that I am working within. Well, I am now on good terms with Room 154. You can find me there most days.
Welcome to Third Grade- This pic was captured on Monday, July 11, 2016 at 6:51 PM as Grace Cook, age 9, and I were finally leaving for the day! She was my superhero, helped move all those boxes and unpack them. Many hours of summer have gone in since then..... still not Meet Your Teacher "ready"
but closer:
I cannot WAIT to MEET my STUDENTS!
If you are my future student- Hello, come see me at Meet Your Teacher!
I'll be in Room 154- Your Classroom & Future Home for the next 180 days!